Hot to Cold
God is always leading us forward into freedom. Past the sin, the stuck places, the disappointment, and the heartache of living. Forward. Always forward into hope, into more of Him, into deep change. He does transformative work with this double-edged sword called Spirit and Truth. With this sword, two things are happening at the same […]
It’s For Freedom Christ Set Us Free!
Happy Fourth of July! And God’s favor on the freedom you enjoy today. I can’t help but ponder the 4th because, like most of our holidays, we are removed from the real pain and sacrifice of the individuals who broke the ground before us. It’s embarrassing really. I am trying to decide whether to grill hamburgers AND hot-dogs, as compared to my ancestors who were literally fighting with their lives for the independence I am now enjoying.
Burn the Root. Just Do It.
It was a beautiful sacred moment. We women sat around a fire asking Holy Spirit to reveal what was the mountain between us and His love. What were we hiding behind, holding on to, or avoiding that was hindering the flow of His life into our lives. That’s when the Lord pricked my memories.
I’m listening, Lord.
You have burnt a root before, do you remember?
The Spirit flashed scenes of my early relationship with God. It was like a movie trailer, moments of a story being unfolded. Yes, I did remember.
“Abortion is HealthCare” Billboard is Missing One Small Detail
Empower women. That is the mantra. But when you kill one woman to empower another, that’s not true healthcare. I call that entitlement at best and delusional at worst. It is a distorted elitism of “I deserve to live and you don’t.”