Why Believe?
If you remember, my word for the year is Unleashing Miracles. Audacious, I know. But isn’t He? Audacious, awe-inspiring, surprising, outrageous. That’s our God. And today as we head into Roar: Freedom in the Kingdom, as we head into another run around the sun, as we head into more living, I encourage you to not lose […]
Help My Unbelief
The word stopped me dead in my tracks. A friend was coaching us about decisions that needed to be made and he remarked, “it was presumptive of me to think God would take care of” the situation the way I had planned. He went on to give us much-needed wisdom and insight. But that word […]
Why Miracles Today
To be frank, I am not sure how the church ever stumbled over the miracle question. How we dropped the training and expectation of miracles is disturbing. Let’s break this down with the old math adage: Milk comes from cows. Butter comes from milk. Therefore butter comes from cows. Salvation comes from Jesus. Salvation is […]
The Power of a Word
Each year we ask the Lord for His word for us for the year. It’s an exercise we have been doing for a long time. My spiritual father, John Dee, started this beautiful practice and now many of us have this rich history of seeing God reveal more of His heart to us and in […]