Redeeming the Generations

Chad, a dear friend and spiritual son, texted me some photos the other day. One prompted a mixed-emotion smile. When the second photo came through, I immediately began to cry. The imagery too confronting, too powerful, and too tender. He had been asked to make a cross for the Resurrection Sunday Celebration at New Wine […]
His Blood Speaks a Better Word

I have this beautiful Jasmine plant outside. You can imagine my delight when the small white blossoms opened up and filled the air with a heavenly scent. It has been a frequent topic in my God conversations lately. I thanked the Lord for creating such beautiful expressions in nature. I marveled at Springtime and how […]
Too Good To Be True?
If I am being really honest…I mean shockingly honest…the story of the cross sounds crazy to me. I’ve heard different iterations of it all my life.
One man. A world of Sin. My debt. His sacrifice.
Then there is the part about rising from the dead. I mean, what even?
And then I met Him. Really met this Beautiful King. Heart to heart and Spirit to spirit.
Prepare the Way
I have a deep call from my spirit to yours. This Holy Day season, don’t get lost in the bunnies and eggs, and spring flings, proms and Final Four.
Instead, remember the call of Mary and Joseph to make room in the inn. Take to heart the call of John the Baptist to “prepare the way of the Lord.” Now. Today. This moment is the moment to see the Coming King. Prepare your heart for His embrace