The Look on His Face…

Well then. This is exhilarating! In two weeks, we’ve had a staff retreat, looked at property to purchase, signed the contract, gathered the $10K earnest money, and whew… What just happened? I think the answer we are straining for is:  Jesus. I laughed and told my team the last time the Spirit was moving this fast I ended up in another state!  

I will keep you abreast of all the steps as we go. You can watch the backstory video if you missed it. But going forward, I want to tell you this is NOT a story about property. As beautiful as Hunter Valley Farm is, this story is much, much bigger.

This is a story about our faith. 

And how our faith stirs the heart of our God. 

When all this began, I kept asking the Lord, “Am I crazy?” He responded by taking me back to Psalm 145, the song by Shane and Shane. What you don’t know is that song was a pivotal passage of scripture and an anthem in a season when I was praying for—wait for it—a miracle house. 

“You open Your hand and satisfy desires of all things.”

I took a deep breath and told Him, “Okay, okay, I’m tracking with you.” Then He started replaying in my mind all the miracle house stories and the feelings of fear, thrill, and clinging to Him that occurred with each one. 

“This feels familiar,” I said, the tension and breathlessness around the miraculous. “We’ve been here before,” I said.

“Yes. I just love it.” He said. 

But every story had one common denominator. Worship.

Many times I could do nothing to impact the outcome and He told me to simply worship. The same was true for this adventure.  

So I sat out on my dock and played the song, over and over, to let it seep into my spirit. 

Suddenly lyrics broke through in a whole new way. 

One generation will

Commend Your kingdom

To one another

They will speak of You


And I will meditate

On Your wonder


And they, they will speak

Of Your glorious splendor

Of Your majesty


Every day I’ll praise thee

Forever and ever

Tears slid down my cheeks. One generation will tell the wonders of God to another generation. That is the story God is telling us all. This is what He loves. 

Then I watched the episode from The Chosen when Jesus heals the centurion’s son. 

From a distance. With a word. 

The centurion explained he understood what it meant to be under authority and he KNEW that Jesus merely had to speak a word and his son would be healed. 

The look on Jesus’s face. 

His wonder and enjoyment. 

His response to such faith. 

I tell you with all my heart, our faith moves our God. It makes Him smile, makes Him laugh, even stops Him in His tracks. 

Makes Him proud. 

My friends, how will we tell God’s wonders if we never experience them ourselves? 

This wind of God is not merely on a ministry changing locations. The wind is blowing on the hearts of His people to rise up in faith. To test and see that He is good beyond what we can ask or even imagine. He wants us to stretch, to sacrifice, to give as He gives. Hilariously. 

Why? Because when we do that, it means we have tapped into His idea of Kingdom riches. There is always enough.

I am worshipping and listening to hear what God is dreaming about. What brings Him joy as we go on this great adventure? Like the centurion, I want to make Jesus marvel at our great faith in His goodness.

Every day I’ll praise thee

Forever and ever