There’s Gonna Be A Wedding

I am in the happy whirlwind of planning a wedding. I have done this many times before, but THIS time, it is for my own daughter! So many emotions swirl in my heart and head, but like every wedding I have been a part of, Jesus just takes my breath away. 

I find myself stepping away from the lists and need-to-do’s to catch a glimmer of His excitement. His joy. The twinkle in His eyes over every little detail. Jesus loves a good wedding. 

Over the years, He has rebuilt my heart around men, sex, marriage and romance and revealed that every earthly wedding is a practice run, a shadow of, a declaration of The Wedding. His wedding. 

When True Love is finally united.  The day of His rejoicing.

“Go out, young women of Zion, and gaze at King Solomon,
wearing the crown his mother placed on him
on the day of his wedding— the day of his heart’s rejoicing”.
Song of Solomon 3:11 

Siiiiigh. All the feels of being perfectly loved and longed for.

And. My daughter’s wedding is schooling me on Holy Spirit. As a mama, I push down this rising lump in my throat as I prepare for her day. I deeply want her to be seen and celebrated. I want to pull off all the weight of distractions so she can just enjoy the day. I want her dreams and desires to be met. I’m deeply invested in her future relationship.

It’s a mother’s heart.
And it echoes from a higher place. 

You know Holy Spirit simply must represent the Divine Feminine. Her passion to orchestrate and provide for all of the daughters (and sons) of the world is truly other-worldly. Holy Mama delights to celebrate us and  intimately captures the desires of our hearts.

This is an experience of God that is new to me. I have seen the hand of God (Holy Spirit) working, protecting, intervening, even providing. But the unrelenting, deliberate passion as the Mother of the bride is a new revelation. 

Holy Spirit fiercely and intentionally prepares me and you, prepares a banquet for the day of His heart’s rejoicing. She is the connector of dots, the keeper of tiny details, the fixer of broken things. She is even more deeply invested in the future of our relationship with Jesus.

Why would I ever question God’s involvement and availability in my life? We are all working towards the same goal of a heavenly wedding.

I know I will cry when my beautiful daughter walks down the aisle; there will be tears of great joy and satisfaction. I know I will be completely and utterly spent by day’s end. And it will be worth it. It’s what mothers do.

Thank you Holy Mama for showing us what it means to pour out for your children. Thank You for giving us a bigger vision and for removing the weight of distractions so we can lean into Your love. Amen