Bigger on the Inside

Greater is He that is in you…There are some lessons that God never tires of driving home in our hearts. Since truth sets us free, it makes sense that He keeps flooding us with pictures and verses and revelations of who He is, and thus, who we are. We sometimes forget that God is ever working miracles in hidden places.

I have so many God stories about butterflies. I mean, c’mon. We all probably do. Here’s the most recent one. The other day, Lindsey and Christopher told me this story of a caterpillar that they got from their daughter’s school. And it did what caterpillars do, eat and grow and put itself in a chrysalis. Right before they went on vacation. 

So like all good parents, they brought the chrysalis with them. In a padded box. From Tennessee to Florida. 500 miles.

Somehow even this effort speaks to my faith. They KNEW that something amazing was going to happen. So they went to any length necessary to partner with the miracle.


In Florida, they watched and waited and a beautiful butterfly emerged from this tiny case. They showed us this picture. It was Christopher who exclaimed, “It’s so big. I don’t know how this big butterfly could even fit inside this little cocoon.”

That’s when I heard the Lord. “It’s bigger on the inside than on the outside.”

I just let that phrase percolate with the Lord for several days. And here is what He gave me.

  1. Don’t settle for caterpillar living, when you are destined to be a butterfly.
  2. I must do whatever it takes to partner with miracles.
  3. There is radical transformation happening that I can’t see.
  4. God inside me is bigger than the little world outside me
  5. The afterlife with God is bigger than the chrysalis of death we all face.

    Maybe read those again. Let Him drive truth home one more time. It will set you free.

    You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them,
    because the
    one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

    1 John 4:4 NIV