Seeing the Signs
The Lord often stretches my listening skills. I think you know what I mean. He wants to know if our antennae are up and active. Are our ears tuned to hear and move with Him? I shared about our recent refining fire and wanted to tell you the next step in that journey, as well […]
Trust or Bust
Chuck and I started the year out with two interesting words: Subtraction and Surprises. Twelve months later let me tell you it’s been quite a ride. Chuck has gone through this beautiful journey with the Lord about clarifying purpose and clearing processes. He has shared with me how the Lord keeps using the Subtraction word […]
Seeing Clearly
I recently purchased glasses to wear at night. Sigh…that season is upon me. I want to complain about needing assistance, but I am thankful for the help. It means I can keep going at the pace of my choosing. You know, and I know, it is a losing battle. My eyes will continue to fade, […]
Our Smallness is a Gift
You only have to visit the ocean for a short span of time to experience its wild unpredictability. In a few hours the water can completely change from a serene, lake-like surface to white-capping waves of foaming beauty. It is a thing of wonder. Shimmering, crystal clear water that is home to many other marvels […]
The Cost of a New Season
I have heard or been given many words about a new season. You have probably seen them too. I love it when Holy Spirit sings the same song through several different streams and voices. It gives us all a deep breath of hope and even anticipation from God. I am frankly ready for a new […]
Free to Love
Have you ever had a relational break? Some hurt or offense or betrayal that ruptured the loving connection you once shared with someone? Dumb question, I know. We’re human, we all have. But what happens next? In most cases, there are conversations needed to get a clear, full picture of the story from all angles. […]
Praying in the Aftermath
Seems everyone is trying to get their head around the recent storm catastrophes. The grief, the survivor’s guilt, the destruction, the death and loss. Then add to this the news of local childhood deaths and our friends fighting cancer. That’s the big stuff. What about the normal strain? I had three phone calls in […]
Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty
You ready? This is one doozy of a revelation. We have been in a dry spell in Florida for about two months. This means high heat and humidity. Imagine walking outside and immediately dripping sweat. I have all kinds of beautifying to do for the wedding I spoke about last week, but it has been […]
There’s Gonna Be A Wedding
I am in the happy whirlwind of planning a wedding. I have done this many times before, but THIS time, it is for my own daughter! So many emotions swirl in my heart and head, but like every wedding I have been a part of, Jesus just takes my breath away. I find myself stepping […]
A Startling Dream
I have an active night life— with Jesus. Wink. Sometimes it is dreams, sometimes it is songs or pictures. Literally some mornings I wake up and I know there has been a spiritual transaction in my spirit. I am just different. Other times, I wake up and have to take immediate action. This recent dream […]