The Marvel of God’s Mercy

There is a miracle of God’s mercy that we often overlook. Not only does it come fresh, full and renewed every single morning, but it also keeps us from destruction. His mercy is a healing balm available to us on the small scale of our individual lives and also on a global scale. That’s why […]

The Day After

I had a vision during Easter Service. An overwhelming sense of awe fell on me that I was part of the whole world singing Heaven’s song, people from every tongue, tribe, and nation praising the Risen Son. I saw the Lord’s hand sweeping around the globe as we sang in different time zones. He was […]

Remember Me

Is it just me? Or is everyone feeling this crazy pace? It’s like someone stole… I don’t know…maybe a couple of weeks or a month out of my life? With the time change, Spring Break, an early Easter, and just the pace of life, it’s all I can do to keep up. My calendar almost […]

From Weapons to Rest

Here is a beautiful story worth sharing. Chuck and I are in a season of “calling things that are not as though they were.” We learned this verse in Romans 4 from John Dee beginning in 2000. Fast forward all these years and encounters later, we are still going after all that it means to […]

In a Word, Transformation

Chuck and I are dipping our toes into church life here in the sunny land of Pensacola. I know, I know. It’s been over a year. Perhaps like you, church is hard for us. We are looking for real. Real Jesus. Real Holy Spirit. Real community. Which in turn means there will be real gifts […]

Excerpt from Restless

The normal Christian life according to God is far different from what most normal Christians think.  Let’s talk about reordering life in terms of the Sabbath. I heard pastor Bill Johnson say that we never excuse people from breaking the first nine of the Ten Commandments, but we break the tenth commandment all the time. […]

Manna for the Day

Yay! I am almost finished with my next book. It will be released just in time for Valentine’s Day…if you need a gift idea. Wink. (I know, shameless plug)  However, in the writing of it, the Lord and I have been having some weighty conversations about journeying with Him. It has been soul-boosting to revisit […]

Our Prayer for 2024 – Unshakable Faith

I wait quietly before God,     for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation,     my fortress where I will never be shaken. So many enemies against one man—     all of them trying to kill me. To them, I’m just a broken-down wall     […]

Childlike Faith

Jesus loves a good party. In the Old and New Testaments are examples of good friends with good food gathered in the name of the Lord. This is the heart behind our annual GT Gala. We want to usher in Christmas by celebrating what God celebrates: Jesus. He woke me up in the night with […]

He Remains

Loss never comes at the right time. It could be the loss of a job. It could be a shifting relationship or even a death. Sadly, it’s never at a moment of our choosing and we always want just one more chance to talk or at least one more hug. We just want more. The […]