Beginning with Thanks

By: Laura Jones Collins The holidays are here.  And I don’t know about you, but we have had a lot of hard and hurt going on right before we go into the “most wonderful time of the year.” I want to give you some things the Lord and I have been talking about. Like how to […]

The Power of Do-Overs

This lovely picture is from last week. Everything started out beautifully. Chuck walked out of his office and said, “Oh my goodness it smells wonderful in here.”  I laughed and told him it was the magic of garlic, onions, and olive oil. Great ingredients to begin with then I added Italian sausage, ground beef, red […]

His Song Creates Change

Can I just say that the Spirit of God is the medicine for all the world? Right now, we are witnessing wars, hostage negotiations, trillion-dollar debt deals, abject greed and starvation. And the cherry on top?  My own human heart. Do you feel the chaos and contradiction rise up inside as you watch the events […]

Losing or Leveling Up?

Surrender. Come on, be honest. Did the word make you cringe? I’ve always equated surrender with a white flag, admitting defeat. Losing the battle, game, or ahem, argument. But the other day the Lord gave me a new meaning of why surrender is the pathway to more fullness, more…Life.   Me and the Lord have […]

Bigger on the Inside

Greater is He that is in you…There are some lessons that God never tires of driving home in our hearts. Since truth sets us free, it makes sense that He keeps flooding us with pictures and verses and revelations of who He is, and thus, who we are. We sometimes forget that God is ever […]

Heal Thyself

We all go through heartbreaking times. We deal with loss, betrayal, slander, devastation. One hard lesson I have learned through it all is I would prefer to focus on someone else’s problem, sin, or character issue than to work on my own.   Ouch. If I work on you, I don’t have to work on […]

Pay Day

Let’s face it. If you work in a non-profit land, it’s pretty safe to say you are not in it for the money. Smile. In the beginning, I would sometimes grumble at the Lord, “I’m not getting paid enough to do this. It’s so hard. I mean, I love you Lord, but dang…is this worth […]

Wisdom Finds a Way

The other day I was driving alone in the car, which very rarely happens these days. I noticed the silence and appreciated it for a moment, until I realized the thoughts that were swirling around in my mind. I was somewhat commiserating with myself about a situation that the Lord and I have been carrying […]

God Hacks for Living – Part 4

Ready for another truth bomb? We have been doing a series that offers more than clever life hacks and conveniences. Instead, these God Hacks are life changers, if we let them. God hacks, though, they cut deep. Think bone and marrow. Soul and spirit. As we begin, imagine yourself standing there, a bag of chips […]

Back in Them Thar Hills

Chuck and I are happily back in Knoxville for a visit. It’s a whirlwind with meetings, New Wine Church, Holy Spirit Class, GTC starting, Men’s group and the Team Planning for 2024! Whew! I have more God Hacks and other revelations God is releasing. But today is something a little different. During our team prayer, […]