The Heart of a Mother

I was blessed to attend a baby shower the other day. A long-awaited miracle baby. A baby of promise. The air was thick with celebration. It’s as if we all let out a collective sigh of relief that this prayer had been answered. Finally.

As we began a blessing and prayer time, I looked around the room of women and choked back a sob.

This was holy ground.

Too Good To Be True?

If I am being really honest…I mean shockingly honest…the story of the cross sounds crazy to me. I’ve heard different iterations of it all my life.

One man. A world of Sin. My debt. His sacrifice.

Then there is the part about rising from the dead. I mean, what even?

And then I met Him. Really met this Beautiful King. Heart to heart and Spirit to spirit.

Prepare the Way

I have a deep call from my spirit to yours. This Holy Day season, don’t get lost in the bunnies and eggs, and spring flings, proms and Final Four.

Instead, remember the call of Mary and Joseph to make room in the inn. Take to heart the call of John the Baptist to “prepare the way of the Lord.” Now. Today. This moment is the moment to see the Coming King. Prepare your heart for His embrace

Burn the Root. Just Do It.

It was a beautiful sacred moment. We women sat around a fire asking Holy Spirit to reveal what was the mountain between us and His love. What were we hiding behind, holding on to, or avoiding that was hindering the flow of His life into our lives. That’s when the Lord pricked my memories.

I’m listening, Lord.

You have burnt a root before, do you remember?

The Spirit flashed scenes of my early relationship with God. It was like a movie trailer, moments of a story being unfolded. Yes, I did remember.

The Lion’s Roar

I still remember it. I took my daughter to the zoo. No big deal. I had been there so many times. It was almost a ho-hum parent box to tick off. But this day, this particular day was very different. We came up to the big cat area and we heard this sound that shook the ground. Literally— it shook us.

Shook Out Of Slumber


That is the word that keeps reverberating through my spirit. I have been Shook. Chuck and I got away for a few days and in our attempts to unplug I took a “random” book that brought me to tears. Then to sobbing. Then to repentance for small thinking and living. The next day, we watched a “suggested” movie that Crystal had sent me a while ago. It was hanging out on my To Do list and kept grabbing my attention. This movie, like the book, had me sitting in the Lord’s presence in tears.


What’s In It For Me?

If we are honest, this engine is always humming in the background of our lives. It is, after all, part of what helps us survive.

So, let me get straight to it. The Restore Intensive is February 19th. What’s in it for you is a long pause with the Lord. Maybe you have done the hard work in your heart and now the question is, “What’s next?” Restore is next. You will have the opportunity to explore how you can rethink and rebuild places in your life that look a lot like ruins, or underdeveloped landscapes.

Look Full on His Wonderful Face

Jesus Christ is the great leveler. He creates a level playing field regardless of who you are and where you are. The shepherds had very little regard or wealth. The devout carpenter and virgin teenager were simply willing to believe. The Wise Men knew how to use their intellect and science to follow signs. The Angels knew the greatest miracle of all was happening. What they all had in common is they personally encountered Jesus.

Decision Fatigue and Other Wiley Rascals

I know it’s not just me. The devil would have me think it is just me, that I am the crazy one, the unstable one. Or worse, the dreaded curse of most women, I am “the over sensitive one.” Yeah, I’m gonna just slide the bullshit card right across the table to all of those lies.