I was honored to get to participate in the We Sow Honor class at Greater Things. I knew that there was work for me to do around the topic of racial injustice and had asked the Lord for the next step and then I got a notification in the same week that the class was happening. Once I responded it was already full but then a seat came open and I was able to participate. The Lord was moving in so many ways preparing this space.
The value of the class had many levels for me. It not only was an education it was vulnerable, it gave me content as well as a place to reflect. It offered a more holistic perspective on what the cross represents and demonstrated the value in lament and what is lost when we are unwilling to to sit in the pain of the hurt that we create and experience.+
The leaders brought their harts and stories with powerful vulnerability and transparency. They offered grace and valuable perspectives for my narrow personal experience.
During the class I was able to identify areas of ignorance I carried and the covert and not so covert ways that racism is present and impacts our community while often being presented under different names or not spoken of at all.
One of the most powerful aspects for me that has come out of the class is my deepening understanding of and practice of lament. I am coming to understand the great and many losses that are created when grief and lament are avoided. Worshiping together and continuing to return to the Lord’s perspective and example on these issues was invaluable.
The value of the class deepens as my awareness and growth continues. I am so very grateful for the class and the investment that was made in me and the others in attendance by Greater Things and the leaders.
– Meagan Dixon