Are We Running After God?
Running after God. I used this expression at the Volunteer Dinner. I later talked to my friend, Courtnay, who also
Greater Things ministry was created in 2015 by Jana and Chuck Spicka with the goal of revelation and community. Find out more about our ministry or get in touch with us directly to see where you can get connected at Greater Things.
There is a radical Love. We have seen with our own eyes what happens when the power of God’s love is released into today’s culture. And so Greater Things was born.
“I tell all of you emphatically, the one who believes in me will also do what I’m doing. He will do even greater things than these” (from John 14).
First and foremost, Greater Things is a community.
Led by Jana and Chuck Spicka, GT offers many gatherings intent on honest and authentic connection with God and each other. There is New Wine Church, Kingdom Moms, Mens Friday Morning Meet, Wednesday Women’s Group and more. We know we all need to be known and loved so we create lots of space for worship, the Word and Spirit, revelation and healing.
We also host citywide events and retreats to grow women, men, marriages and families. We welcome hungry souls from diverse churched and unchurched backgrounds. Connect with us to learn more about our ministry and get plugged in, or learn more about our ministry.
Jana Spicka explores multiple topics in her raw and honest approach, and goes deeper into the issues facing our world today and a greater understanding of the love and affection of God.
New Wine Church meets every Sunday at 5pm for family meal, extended worship, community prayer, and a fresh message, often followed by discussion.
Join Jana Spicka on her journey of discovery and recovery,
and find as she did, a new meaning of rest.
Every year we have new offerings to empower women, men, and families. From Intensives to the Lake Retreats to small groups Wednesday Holu Spirit Class, God uses Greater Things to strengthen and challenge women with different perspectives to cultivate courage, clarity and identity in our community.
Running after God. I used this expression at the Volunteer Dinner. I later talked to my friend, Courtnay, who also
The Lord often stretches my listening skills. I think you know what I mean. He wants to know if our
Chuck and I started the year out with two interesting words: Subtraction and Surprises. Twelve months later let me tell
I recently purchased glasses to wear at night. Sigh…that season is upon me. I want to complain about needing assistance,
Greater Things is a ministry that has touched hundreds of lives since it’s beginning in 2015, and through the ministries led by Jana and Chuck Spicka since 2007. Read these brief testimonies of people whose lives have been impacted by Greater Things – be sure to click on “Read More” for the entire quote.
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6812 Baum Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
© 2025 Greater Things