The married small group community has nudged us to dive into deeper relationship with each other. I am so thankful for the love, friendship, and fun this group has brought to our lives.

The married small group community has walked along side my marriage through seasons of joy and hardships. It has played a huge role of support to us during big changes such as job transition, loss of a loved one and having twins!! It has nudged us to dive into deeper relationship with each other, especially […]
Greater Things gave me a God-community in a place I didn’t have one; it really gave me a sense of home. It really is a safe place to figure out who I am.

I met Jana at The Launching in 2015. At the time I was new to Knoxville and did not have any sort of real community. My friend was speaking at the event so I thought I would go to support her. She shared some of the promotional things for the event and I remember thinking, […]
Greater Things isn’t about classes and retreats and church and events. It’s about connecting people to God’s heart and to each other in real ways that change their life trajectory forever.

I don’t know that enough words exist to say what Jana Spicka’s ministry through Greater Things has meant to me and my family. Through her teaching and mentoring, she introduced me to the affection of God and hearing His voice in ways I had not experienced before. Through their wise counsel and willingness to have […]
After my son died, I shut down mentally. I felt like no one wanted to talk about him – his life or his death, so I was left for years to deal with it internally.

After my son Travis died of a Heroin overdose, I shut down mentally. I felt like no one wanted to talk about Travis – his life or his death, so I was left for years to deal with it internally. Then, my good sister-friend invited me to the Yes and Amen retreat. The theme was […]
I am coming to understand the great and many losses that are created when grief and lament are avoided.

I was honored to get to participate in the We Sow Honor class at Greater Things. I knew that there was work for me to do around the topic of racial injustice and had asked the Lord for the next step and then I got a notification in the same week that the class was […]
It is really a journey of the heart, a journey of faith. Jana carries that journey well. She drives it, directs it, confronts it and soothes it.

When I first heard Jana speak about 15 years ago I remember thinking, “Oh wow, this is really real and my relationship with Jesus has so much more for me.” The more I was around the Greater Things community I began to see how real, raw and genuine everyone is. Jana has a way of […]
As we shared our stories, bonds started building. We cried, prayed, & laughed together. In a few short days I had 20 new sisters that I loved dearly.

March 2020 I was asked if I wanted to go to a woman’s retreat in Pensacola FL., well of course I did, who wouldn’t want to go to the beach. As it got closer I started thinking I had made a mistake. I’ve had a lot going on in my life and I just wasn’t […]
I feel like past generations haven’t had the ability to not act like big strong tough men and just had to push their emotions down. You guys inspire me everyday.

I have been talking to my people about this group and it blows their minds that I have been able to find this kind of group. I feel like past generations haven’t had the ability to not act like big strong tough men and just had to push their emotions down. You guys inspire me […]
We’ve been told that their healing began when they very fist walked through the door, while feeling the tangible presence of Holy Spirit.

Greater Things Ministry has given the prayer team the opportunity to be the hands and feet for Jesus. We have had people walk into the Greater Things House struggling with illnesses, disease and who are emotionally wounded. We’ve witnessed and have received testimony of freedom from physical pain, anxiety and fear. Praise God! We’ve been […]