Help My Unbelief

The word stopped me dead in my tracks.  A friend was coaching us about decisions that needed to be made and he remarked, “it was

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Why Miracles Today

To be frank, I am not sure how the church ever stumbled over the miracle question. How we dropped the training and expectation of miracles

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Advent Reflections Week 4: The God Who Is With Us

I am enamored by The Chosen series, for many reasons. It’s startling to “hear” Jesus speak the words of scripture I know so well. It makes me weep to see the heroes of our faith in their humble beginnings. Matthew the hated tax collector. Mary the possessed woman. Simon the cheating, angry man. What beautiful transformations— just like you and me. We are not who we used to be.

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Advent Reflections Week 3: The God Who is to Come

I went on a crazy rabbit trail with the Lord the other day. About swaddling cloths. Really? Yeah.

Turns out the details matter to God and ultimately to us when He reveals them. I have been deep diving into Garments (which will come later). One thing led to another and the swaddling cloths came into focus where I learned two important distinctions for our Advent meditations.

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Advent Reflections Week 2: The God Who Is

The God who IS. The One who is not created, imagined or even ignored. The great I am that I am.

In the most basic way, the Christmas story confronts my Christian story. The Christmas story is loaded with miracles, the unexpected, the impossible…

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An Advent Reflection 1st Week: The God Who Was

We live in a world of multi-layered confusion. “Like the blind we grope along the wall, feeling our way like people without eyes.” (Isaiah 59:10) So many in and out of church ask questions about our origins, identities, purpose, and calling.

And yet a greater Truth proceeds the resounding “what about me” question.

It is the eternal matter of I Am—the God who was.

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I Have A Surprise For You

You have read the words yourself. “Never will I leave you or forsake you.” The Old and New Testaments are full of these promises from our beautiful God. And yet, I wonder how we think about this Holy Presence? Is it begrudging? Is it out of duty? Is it out of fear of reprisal? Some cosmic shadow simply enduring the whole of humanity?

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Running Out Of The Desert

God has been talking a lot about Expanding. It’s a new season. I can feel it in my very spirit. At the recent Yes and Amen Beach Retreat, I could literally sense the excitement of Holy Spirit to unleash, unlock, begin a new work in all of us. It’s no mistake we call it the Yes and Amen Retreat.

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